Canada’s 150th anniversary is just around the bend, and to celebrate, we’re shining the spotlight on 150 — count ‘em: 150! — noteworthy Canadians! It’s a huge number, but with a nation as great as ours, there’s no lack of upstanding citizens to venerate!
1. Tommy Douglas
Tommy might seem like an obvious place to start, and there’s a reason for that! The creation of Medicare ensured that all Canadians would have equal access to healthcare — and Tommy Douglas is entirely responsible for making that happen! But that’s not all: Tommy Douglas was one of the few parliamentarians with the moral courage to vote against invoking the War Measures Act in 1970. That’s one down, only 149 to go!
2. Terry Fox
Another obvious one, but don’t worry about it! Terry Fox raised millions of dollars for cancer research by embarking on a cross-Canada run. His legacy continues on through the annual Terry Fox Run, which has raised over $650 million dollars since 1981.
That’s two now! 148 left! Hoo-boy.
3. The Barenaked Ladies
This Canadian alt rock band is made up of members Jim Creeggan, Kevin Hearn, Ed Robertson, and Tyler Stewart, and has previously included members Steven Page and Andy Creeggan. Their songs If I had $1 000 000 and One Week are Canadian classics!
OK, 146 left. Wait, shoot, no. 147.
4. Jeff Barnaby
Director of Rhymes for Young Ghouls, this strong-willed Mi’gMaq filmmaker is currently developing Blood Quantum, an allegorical zombie film about the subjugation of Native peoples.
OK, NOW there’s 146 left. Holy hell.
5. Commander Chris Hadfield
Wait, why did I do The Barenaked Ladies as one entry? Shoot! I could have done one for each band member! Whatever, I’ll change it later.
6. Neil Young
Neil Young is definitely Canadian, right? Hang on, I’ll check Wikipedia.
Oh, he is, thank goodness.
7. Aw, dang, Tommy Douglas wrote a Master’s thesis advocating eugenics?
8. All of the Ministers of Finance
There have been 39 Ministers of Finance.