OTTAWA – In a new marketing campaign, chain restaurant The Pickle Barrel is appealing directly to a historically undervalued consumer base: people who steal individually packaged jams.
“People who steal jam are people too. It’s time we recognize that”, said Pickle Barrel CEO Jenny O’Brien. “Competing directly with jam juggernaut The Golden Griddle hasn’t been easy, but we’ve had great success by offering larger varieties of jam available for theft”
Flavours available to would be preserve bandits include raspberry, strawberry, grape and marmalade. “That’s like European jam”, O’Brien explained while proudly unveiling Pickle Barrel’s new rotating table-top jam trolley – the Rolls Royce of personal sized jam dispensers.
Unlike other breakfast restaurant chains, Pickle Barrel customers will no longer have to sneak behind an unattended server station to steal the adorably sized packaged jams.
“Have you seen those table top trolleys? I can’t help myself”, admitted an anonymous jam thief in hushed tones, “I get a rush every time I put 4 or 5 in my purse. I don’t even use them.”
Another customer divulged his secret for moving larger quantities of the stolen jam, “Cargo pants. That’s all I’m saying”.
In an effort to further boost market share Pickle Barrel is also expected to launch a new advertising campaign this summer entitled “our salt and pepper shakers would look great in your kitchen.”