Huge Misstep: Is Trump over now that he’s angered Canadian dairy producers? - The Beaverton

Huge Misstep: Is Trump over now that he’s angered Canadian dairy producers?

Unbelievable. It turns out that picking a fight with one of the most powerful and beloved institutions in the world might finally be the thing that brings down .

“As a nationalist, I believe in getting a good deal,” said disillusioned voter Robin Teslin. “But as an American, I have to take a stand against anything that threatens the flow of rich creamy into our great land.”

Even staunchly pro-Trump sources like and InfoWars have released searing editorials, scourging the President’s flippant attitude toward the honest, rough-handed men and who grasp the teats of the North.

“We’ve predicted Trump’s downfall many times before, but this must finally be it,” said Times correspondent Will Abdulla, clutching close to his body the precious bags of 3.5% which every American hoards and treasures. “It’s widely accepted that a thick, frosty glass of milk is the last area of bipartisan consensus.”

This milk feud comes at a bad time for Trump, who’s already facing criticism for going after another universally cherished institution, .

“Donald Trump’s stance on milk protectionism is a slap in the face to the decent folks who just want to come home after a long workday and enjoy a well-deserved 28-oz glass of skim,” said , sipping half-and-half from a chardonnay glass. “Even I can’t put a good spin on that.”

Looks like there’s no coming back from this, and rumours are circulating that Trump plans to step down.

“This is where Trump’s political inexperience really begins to show,” said Presidential historian Graham Howitzer. “You don’t mess with big milk. learned that the hard way.”