Canada responds to US lumber tariff by slapping 30% tax on white nationalism - The Beaverton

Canada responds to US lumber tariff by slapping 30% tax on white nationalism

OTTAWA — The Canadian government this week responded to US President ’s decision to impose a 20% tariff on imports by implementing a 30% tax on ’s chief export, .

“We’re simply levelling the playing field,” insisted Ministry of Foreign Trade spokesperson Janet Umberto. “Canadian supremacists have long been forced to spew intolerance, misinformation and divisive, scapegoating rhetoric through privately-funded the groups like Rebel Media and Sun . Meanwhile, NAFTA allows American racists to spread the exact same brand of vitriolic racial hatred for pennies on the dollar through government-owned programs like the Senate, Congress, and White House.”

The newly levied fines will make it prohibitively expensive for ’s alt-right to employ American-made, racially loaded code words like ‘globalist,’ ‘rule of law,’ ‘states’ rights,’ and ‘white genocide’ to scare up support for their dream of a racially pure white ethno-state. The aim is to incentive racists north of the border to destroy Canada’s social fabric using locally-manufactured expressions like ‘barbaric practices,’ ‘Old-Stock Canadians,’ and ‘Canadian values.’

Similar tolls are expected to be placed on sales of the Confederate Flag, in the hopes of replacing it with the Canadian Red Ensign, a staple of the residential system, and a nod to the country’s own rich of cultural whitewashing.

But while American nationalists have predictably slammed the tariffs as “garden-variety snowflake cuckery,” Canada’s white extremist community applauded the Liberal government’s show of solidarity.

“Frankly, I think it sends two important messages,” explained Kelly MacInnes, VP of Marketing & Eugenics for Canadian white nationalist group Heritage Front. “One, you go after a cornerstone of our economy, we’ll go after a cornerstone of yours. And two, Canada is every bit as adept as the US when it comes the systemic and institutionalized marginalization of non-whites.”

“Besides, it’ll be hard for Americans to burn crosses if they can’t afford the wood to build them, eh?”