Annual Quebec corruption scandal arrives earlier than expected - The Beaverton

Annual Quebec corruption scandal arrives earlier than expected

CITY – The scandal, a sacred and time-tested Quebec tradition whereby the entire government is thrown into disarray after revelations of shady behind the scenes dealing, surprised residents by coming a little sooner this year than it has previously.

“Huh, it’s only April and already the government is being accused of borderline criminal behaviour.” remarked Phillippe Cote.

“Maybe it’s because climate change is screwing up all the seasons?”

Fans of the event, known in French as ‘Juste Pour L’argent,’ are used to having to wait until June or July to see the beautiful images of officers raiding political offices and men in suits vainly trying to cover their faces as they are lead off.

“Shit, I’m out of town! By the time I get back it might be all over” tweeted receptionist and devoted UPAC report reader Christine Tanguay.

“First I leave right before the bloom and now this? #bullshit” posted Derek Boucher.

However Yves Francoeur, head of ’s police union, assured residents not to worry, as he foresaw 2017 giving Quebec its first “double scandal” year since 2003.