Beloved Beaverton supporters,
Justin Trudeau has embarrassed our nation by removing our CF-18s from operations Iraq and Syria. This spineless move only makes our country more attractive for ISIS to move to, and then attack, and then take our parking spaces at Canadian Tire.
But Canada shouldn’t walk away from a fight. A nation that won two World Wars back-to-back and stopped the Boers from dominating the globe shouldn’t roll over and surrender.
Over 70 CF-18s stand idle not bombing anything wasting taxpayers dollars. Our brave men and women are waiting to be put in harm’s way, but Trudeau refuses to use them.
As a true Conservative candidate, the Beaverton Corporation knows one thing when it comes to complex foreign relations: bomb it.
Hostage negotiations? Bomb it. Free trade deal? Kablamo! Humanitarian aid? We’ll obliterate that famine with a couple of GBU-24 Paveways dropped from 20,000 feet. It gets results.
And we won’t stop at the Middle East either. Canada has only bombed three countries in the past six years, which means we have to catch up and consider every other country a target.
If New Zealand looks at us cockeyed, we wouldn’t hesitate to bomb those Kiwis back to Kiwistan.
So support a common sense solution. Stand up to those sheep-loving, ruby-playing New Zealanders. And Support the Beaverton Corporation for Conservative Party Leadership.
The Beaverton Corporation for Conservative Party Leader – Yesterday’s Tomorrow, Today (But Better)