Ben Affleck to play Mao Zedong in upcoming biopic - The Beaverton

Ben Affleck to play Mao Zedong in upcoming biopic

In exciting for fans of , he has been tapped to play , founder of the People’s Republic of China, in an upcoming biopic.

“I couldn’t be more excited” said Affleck. “I look forward to bringing my years of experience playing blue collar Boston guys to the role.”

The movie tells the tale of how Mao battled both Japanese soldiers (led by ’s Korechika Anami) and nationalist forces in order to unite China under his rule, at the cost of his own humanity and his relationship with his first , played by Rose Byrne.

Although the closely follows the events of the communist revolution in China and the attempted Japanese invasion, laser guns have been added to all of the battles and the nationalist Republic of China forces have been replaced with gigantic space monster dragons. These changes have been made after test audiences found the original tale of the complex political and economic changes that took place during Mao’s lifetime as “boring” and “lacking space aliens that are ultimately defeated by superheroes.”

Affleck is reportedly hard at work on his accent, to the great concern of the studio.