TTC’s scented holiday candles let riders gift the smell of urine soaked grime - The Beaverton

TTC’s scented holiday candles let riders gift the smell of urine soaked grime

– The Toronto Commission is ringing in the holiday season with the release of the Bloor-Young scented candle that gives riders the opportunity to take home the soaked grime scent of their daily commute.

“It really captures the magic and festivity of unwashed tracks that have been peed on countless of times which riders have come to know and expect from their daily commutes”, a spokesperson said.

Other scents also come in Dundas Square Streetcar, combining musky cologne and day-old MacDonald’s fries, and Union Commuter, a scent that reflects Union Station’s unique intersection of the local, regional, and global from steamy streat meat to backpackers’ body odor.

“What a treat! The three and half hours a day I spend on the TTC are never enough. I that I can now come home to the comforting aroma of human excrement”, stated devout TTC traveler Stacey Baldoni.

Other gifts available in the TTC Merchandise Store include single mittens from the Lost and Found Box and a broken air conditioning system.

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