Poll: Canada remains starkly divided over milk bags versus milk jugs - The Beaverton

Poll: Canada remains starkly divided over milk bags versus milk jugs

OTTAWA – A new Angus-Reid poll released today has shown more Canadians are sharply divided on regional grounds over what type of milk containers they use.

96% of Canadians who live in and fully support the use of milk bags while 98% of Canadians who reside in the West and in the Maritimes are ardent users of jugs.

“The dairy divide is quite concerning,” explained Lois Ahmad, an analyst at Angus-Reid. “Our data also shows that when Canadians move from a province to a milk jug province, or vice-versa, they feel like they’re living in a foreign country.”

The tension between the defenders of the 3.89 L single container and partisans of the 3 1.33 L plastic bags are being felt throughout the country.

“Ontarians think they’re so important with their plastic white water sacks,” explained Valerie Regis of Calgary who would never consider buying any dairy product in a bag. “Why would I want to drink milk from what is essentially a catheter bag? These people are ass-backwards.”

“Have you ever tried to pour a full jug of milk without spilling ?” asked Bill Lamington of Barrie. “I don’t need all of this of milk in one container to compensate for something else.”

has a long of division when it comes to this contentious issue that goes back centuries. Prior to Confederation, Sir John A. Macdonald promised Premier Joseph Howe that all milk in Canada would be delivered in barrels rather than glass bottles; a promise that Macdonald would later break. 132 years later, Reform Party Leader Preston Manning made it the main issue of Western alienation and unsuccessfully campaigned on the motto “The Jugs Want In”.