SAN FRANCISCO — Twitter announced today that it will be replacing the 140 character limit on tweets with a six page, double spaced format in 12 point Times New Roman font and using MLA style citation.
“Twitter users have so much more to express on the events that shape our world,” explained Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey . “However, users must now demonstrate that their ideas come from reliable academic sources and that they have made every effort to avoid plagiarism. Anyone caught not using this form of citation may face suspension.”
“I mean, we’re not fucking Wikipedia.”
Tweets that attempt to widen the mandatory one inch margins will not be accepted and Dorsey emphasized that @Conspiracy_Dave1972 is not an academic source for retweets or favorites, and that hashtags are a form of paraphrasing and require proper citation.
“So help me god, if I find any tweets using Chicago style there will be serious consequences.”
Twitter users were reminded that all of their tweets about National Bobblehead Day and the situation in Oregon are due no later than Friday at 4:30 pm before Twitter’s offices close. Any late submissions will be docked five followers for every day it is late.
In related social media news, video sharing service Vine will now require all users to roll three seconds worth of credits for everyone involved in the making of the six second loop.