OTTAWA – Calling on his education background, Prime Minister Trudeau has gathered all 10,000 Syrian refugees in a circle on Parliament Hill to play the name game.
“Okay guys, I know it’s cold out, but that’s okay, because we’re here to break the ice,” said a smiling and nodding Trudeau to his freezing and exhausted audience. “My name is Justin, and my favourite animal is a Jaguar . . .”
Although the name game consistently starts well, the refugees have hit a wall around the 200th person in the circle, and the Prime Minister is adamant that they not leave until ‘we all know everyone’s name.’
“Haha, not a problem, let’s just try this again,” said Trudeau, after yet another slip-up, his smile slightly less relaxed than it was two hours earlier. “We’ll take Justin Jaguar through Adnan Antelope as read this time, and start with Marwan Macaw.”
Among the problems facing the PMO is that the refugees are running out of animal names. “My name is Umair, and my favourite animal is, uh, uh,” said Umair, who fled violence in Damascus, beginning to choke up with tears. “Please, Uthman already used Umbrella Bird!”
This is the first time a Canadian Prime Minister has played the name game with refugees since before World War Two, when William Lyon Mackenzie King managed to successfully memorize the names of all zero Jewish refugees his country had admitted.