OTTAWA – An investigative report has unearthed that the weekly allowances of Xavier and Ella Trudeau are currently being paid using taxpayer funds.
“Daddy said I get a whole $5 to spend each week,” said Xavier Trudeau, 8, “Ella only gets $3 because she’s still a kid.”
“What this little socialist doesn’t understand is that Justin Trudeau’s salary is paid by taxpayers and, therefore, his ‘allowance’ amounts to nothing more than stealing from Canadians,” said interim opposition leader Rona Ambrose. “I don’t believe I’m overstating things when I say this is as bad as everything Harper ever did put together.”
This news comes almost immediately after it was discovered that PM Trudeau is currently using taxpayer funds to pay his children’s nanny. News outlets attacked the hiring as an appalling waste of public funds, public funds that should be going toward federal personnel who actually provide a service, like senators.
“Over $6 a week is being funneled out of the Canadian economy and into some off-shore piggy bank,” said commentator Ezra Levant. “What else is he using our tax dollars on? Staffers? Assistants? Security for his family?”
At press time, the National Post was preparing an expose that conclusively proved taxpayers were paying Trudeau’s rent.