While it might be more than a long shot at winning, the Green Party is running a full slate of candidates. Here’s what a Green Party would do as your government:
Key Beliefs
Not a one issue party; the environment is in everywhere.
How they intend to win
Elizabeth May will visit every riding in Canada driving her 1979 Volkswagen Westfalia powered by hope and recycled grease
Banking on BC’s under-40 retirees remembering to vote
Specific Policies
Environmental Plan: Combat decreasing bee population by putting hive inside every Canadian home
Kale chips for all!
Conservation: Limit Canadians water consumption to two glasses a day
Health: Increase access to local food to keep Canadians smug and constipation-free
Agriculture: Obligatory labour for all Canadians at collective organic eggplant farm on Vancouver Island
Governance: Reduce number of federal departments to Wind, Fire, Water and Earth
Plans for the Future
Recycle platform for next election