Poll results might have Thomas Mulcair smiling wide as the October election looms, but some Canadians still aren’t familiar with the leader of NDP. Search records obtained using Google’s analytics tool suggest Mulcair is still a mystery for many Canadians who may not have followed his four years as leader of the opposition. Here are some of the questions Canadians asked most about Mulcair in 2015 according to Google:
1. Why Does Tom Mulcair Smell Like Toast?
I guess the man enjoys a good piece of buttered toast! Strangely, this was the most asked question by Canadians about Mulcair. Canadians queried Google 1,483 times in 2015 so far about Mulcair and his smelling like toast. A whopping 642 of those searches were made after the first leaders debate alone. Although Google doesn’t have many results for this subject, a few posters on Reddit suggested that Mulcair smells like toast because he often has crumbs trapped in his beard. Strange.
2. What is Tom Mulcair’s Position On Snakes?
This was the second most asked question about Mulcair according to Google. Mulcair has never specifically referenced his position on snakes in parliament, but the NDP website states that the party is pro-snake.
3. Who’s the leader of the NDP and why is he on my lawn?
Canadians asked Google 589 times in 2015 who the leader of the NDP is and why he was on their lawn. Some searchers must have also wanted to find out how to remove him from their lawn: ‘How do I remove a Tom Mulcair from my lawn?’ was another popular search (but didn’t make the list). Despite this search being asked so many times, Google doesn’t provide many answers. The top links provided by Google are either about Mulcair or about lawn care, but not both. Maybe try Bing?
4. How can I tell if this Tom Mulcair is infected?
This strange question was the fourth most asked question about Mulcair for 2015 so far. It’s hard to tell what these Canadians thought Tom Mulcair was. In any case, a doctor is usually a better person to consult about a possible infection than WebMD.
5. Tom Mulair hours and opening times?
The NDP is going to have their work cut out for them getting Canadians familiar with Mulcair before the fall election! Clearly these searchers thought that Mulcair is some sort of business with opening and closing hours. Adding to the confusion, Google *does* provide an answer. Turns out the Tom Mulcair of Regina is open from 8AM-10PM daily and does not validate parking. Sorry!