OTTAWA – Prime Minister Stephen Harper has agreed to participate in a televised English debate under the condition that he will be the only candidate present and no questions are asked.
Harper and the Conservative election campaign reversed their initial decision not to participate and will now throw their hats in the ring provided that ring is empty.
“All Canadians will have a fair and equal opportunity to watch their leader square off against a camera and a tough set of studio lighting,” Harper said referring to himself. “They will hear what a Conservative government will do for them upon re-election and not mindless questions about accountability, corruption and economic mismanagement. It’s simply not in the national interest – or polite – to argue about these things.”
Harper may permit predetermined question posed by former Sun News Vice-President and Conservative spokesperson Kory Teneycke such as “Why do Thomas Mulcair and Justin Trudeau hate Canada?” and “Why are you such a great Prime Minister?”
According to sources, Harper made it clear that the debate must occur in front of a Canadian flag painted blue and must run five Economic Action Plan advertisements during the 90 minute debate.