NEW YORK – 55 years after the release of American author Harper Lee’s Pulitzer Prize-winning hunting guide To Kill a Mockingbird, the long-awaited sequel To Cook a Mockingbird will debut in bookstores on July 14.
“I can’t wait for this new book,” local English teacher Judith Dover said in an interview this morning, “I’ve had that dead mockingbird sitting in my freezer for decades. It’s great to hear that I’ll finally have a recipe to properly cook and serve it to my ninth-grade class.”
Initial reports suggest To Cook a Mockingbird will be set in the same fictional town of Maycomb, Alabama and will feature several returning characters beyond the titular mockingbird.
Speculation is already raging in literary circles about whether the Cacciatore recipe on page 48 is a metaphor for the fragility of mythologized vulnerable and sacred southern womanhood, or just way too salty.