TORONTO – Sun Media has reported difficulty in getting Facebook’s new ‘satire’ tag removed from their articles.
“I just don’t understand what we’re doing wrong,” said columnist Joe Warmington as he dutifully took down a diatribe from Rob Ford over the phone. “Politicians call us, we write down what they say, we put it in the paper for people to see. I don’t see what’s missing here. Why won’t Facebook take us seriously?”
Facebook representative Samjir Graham says the company is still working on the algorithm for the satire tag, but defends their application of it to Sun Media. “These headlines are clearly bogus,” he said as he snickered at ‘Crime in Canada increasing’, “and in this column, they call Ezra Levant a ‘respected journalist’, clearly, they’re being sarcastic.”
“Besides,” he added, “would a real news organization put out pictures of half naked women every day as a main feature? This clearly puts them in the same realm of fiction as Frank or eTalk.”
At press time, many Canadians were still sharing Sun News articles, believing they were fact.