LONDON, ON – Convicted serial killer Paul Bernardo’s fiancée confirmed today that he was the least creepy man she had met online.
“Since he can only access the prison computer for an hour a day, Paul gives me my space,” the woman explained. “In my five years on Match.com and Christian Mingle, I’ve never met a man who was legally prohibited from being a clingy jerk. Now I see what I was missing.”
“He doesn’t hide anything from me. All of his failings and trial transcripts are right there on Google,” she added. “Not only is he an open book, there are books about him.”
Friends of Bernardo’s fiancée don’t share her enthusiasm.
“She really seems to be settling,” Tammy Duckworth, the woman’s close friend, confessed. “Were all those self-professed nice guys who sent unsolicited dick pics or pictured holding their favorite guns really that bad?”
Despite these warnings, Bernardo’s fiancée remains positive.
“I always worry that the guys I meet online are sex criminals or murderers but with Paul I don’t have wonder”