INGONISH – Parks Canada is set to begin construction on a 10 storey high statue along the Cabot Trail to commemorate the memory of Canada’s services and pensions for veterans
The $60 million concrete, stone and copper memorial will recognize the sacrifices made by veterans in the recent pension and compensation conflicts.
“I lost a lot of good services,” said retired Sgt Landon Chester who served three tours of duty in Bosnia and Afghanistan. “I used to be able to drive down the road to the Sydney Veterans Affairs office and see an actual person and deal with some of the problems I have with my disability pay. And now they’re gone. Bureaucracy is hell.”
Parks Canada officials state that visitors of the memorial can enjoy looking at the back of Mother Canada’s head and appreciate the obscured view of the Atlantic Ocean.
“I’m glad $60 million could be raised for such an initiative and not in any other way” said Annie McNaughton, a 64 year-old widow of a veteran who will be soon cut off from any benefits. “When I come out of retirement, I’ll be glad to know that my sacrifices are recognized.”
According to sources, Mother Canada’s will have her arms reaching towards Europe, which symbolizes a futile grasp for other countries with well-funded veteran services and pensions.