Bismarck, ND – Jason Friedman was shaken by the discovery that his hard-earned freedom to post inflammatory comments under an assumed name had been revoked by YouTube.
Friedman, the troll formerly known as “TurdSniper77,” was an avid commenter with a rich history of posting inflammatory comments on pet videos, making racist remarks about other users’ usernames, and attempting to invalidate the events of World War Two in the comment section of a Miley Cyrus video. In his seven illustrious years on YouTube, TurdSniper77 never posted a video but is estimated to have left 5,020 comments, all of which made connections between Hitler, Obama, and toasters.
Friedman said he was “deeply saddened” by this loss, but has no choice but to end his involvement in the YouTube community due to the threat the exposure of non-anonymous posting would pose to his career as a pediatrician.