TORONTO – Following a week of ceremonial flyovers by Canada’s elite Snowbirds, Toronto residents have reported greatly enjoying the noise and spectacle of seeing CT-114 Tutor fighter planes pass by directly overhead, as it brings back absolutely no traumatic memories of previous deathly bombing attacks.
“I always forget what it is for a minute,” says resident Julie Fowler. “I’m like, ‘Jesus, what is that? Are we being attacked? Is my house still standing?’ Then I realize, ‘Oh, of course not–our city has never ever had to face that kind of danger. Then I laugh and point excitedly at the warplane flying by’”
Torontonians reported an overall sense of “feeling more alive” at having the days leading up to Labour Day punctuated by the sudden appearance of military aircraft swooping down over their heads without any intention of harming them, their property, or their loved ones.
“For a split second, when I hear the hum of the engine veering away from me, I picture my son’s face, wonder where he is right at this moment, and hope that he is safe. Then I remember that we live in a city that hasn’t been attacked since 1812, and the fear disappears, along with any epiphanies it may have triggered,” said lifetime Toronto resident Paul DiLienzo.
DiLienzo’s neighbor, who has lived in Toronto since the early nineties when he emigrated from war-torn Bosnia, could not be found for comment.