TORONTO – Sun News media commentator and conservative activist Ezra Levant is disappointed that his regular editorials against government funding various programs and services will not be subsidized by the government.
“The CRTC is a de facto bureaucratic communist organization that will only hear the pinko side of things” the 41 year old activist and author stated outside Sun Media Headquarters. “Without the mandatory fee-for-carriage for Sun News, Canadians won’t know about our lavishly paid schools, over-subsidized First Nations Reserves and, of course, the fat cats at CBC.”
Levant – host of Sun New’s The Source – claimed that his straight talking editorials require government funding since he poses real questions about the role of a broadcasting regulator requiring consumers to subsidize television they don’t want to watch and regulate opinions they may want to hear.
CRTC officials made the decision to exclude Sun News from mandatory carriage after concluding that “Canadian television broadcasting already has enough high quality comedy shows on existing networks.”
“The CRTC should be supporting more real news, not clownish entertainers who spew ideological dogma and unchecked facts” Levant added.