Packed Starbucks forces man to pretend to write screenplay at Arby’s - The Beaverton

Packed Starbucks forces man to pretend to write screenplay at Arby’s

VANCOUVER – Finding his favourite without a spare outlet or even a chair, aspiring screenwriter Victor Lynchburg was forced to act as if he is creating a screenplay at a nearby Arby’s.

“At first I was pretty bummed about the whole thing,” Lynchurg stated while Googling himself, “but it turns out Arby’s is a great place to act like you’re getting things done.”

The Sorkin-in-the-making believes his increased productivity comes primarily from a lack of distractions, and certain dietary adjustments made possible by his new surroundings. “If I was at Starbucks I would have to be talking to other artists and wracking my brain trying to figure out the coolest kind of coffee to order,” a relaxed Lynchburg said between moves on Words with Friends, “But not here. No one goes to Arby’s – and there’s only one thing on the menu.”

“This place is better than a threesome with . Wait, I’m going to write that one down,” he added.

The geographic switch has led to Lynchburg’s most prolific screenwriting session in months. “I already cleaned out my Gmail inbox and bought three Groupons. This baby is as good as done.”

With files by Keith Cochrane

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