WINNIPEG – Local pet owner Ricky Blinkin shocked friends and co-workers at his house party last Friday when, in a Herculean Feat, he managed to get his miniature schnauzer, Sigfried, to actually fucking sit.
“It was amazing,” said co-worker David Limbley. “Normally, when Ricky hosts a get together, we’ve got to hear all about his amazing dog. ‘Sigfried’s so smart. Sigfried’s so great.’ Then, he tries to prove it, and we have to watch this dog do nothing for like a year, until Ricky quits and gives it a treat anyway. But this time Sigfried actually fucking sat down. I couldn’t believe it.”
Other guests at the Settlers of Catan game night expressed similar levels of surprise. “Normally I’m happy if the dog doesn’t piss on me at the door,” said Katie Minson. “When I saw it fucking sit, I wanted to give Ricky a medal.”
Even Blinkin’s boss, a stern taskmaster around the office, had to admire his employee’s achievement. “Ricky got that dog to do more than just eat and shit, eh? I thought I’d never see the day.”
Intern Tony Potenza later admitted that he forced the dog’s bottom to the ground when the group was distracted.
“I got places to be after this,” Potenza said. “I can’t wait around all night for a dog to fucking sit.”