CHARLOTTETOWN, PEI – Law enforcement officers have confirmed that an ongoing search for an escaped convict, nearing 3 hours, is slated to be the longest someone has been able to evade the a…
Tag: police
Ontario orders 5 new jet planes to counter theft of helicopters
TORONTO – The Ontario government has ordered a handful of high-altitude jet planes to try and stanch the rash of thieves making off with the helicopters that were purchased to staunch the r…
Toronto Police advise banks to leave big pile of money at the door to avoid being robbed
TORONTO – In response to a growing rash of armed robberies throughout the city, Toronto Police advised Canada’s banks to leave a big pile of money at the door of every branch to avoid being…
Law & Order Toronto criticized as unrealistic after showing Toronto Police trying to solve crimes
TORONTO – The Law & Order order spinoff series set in Toronto is being described highly unrealistic, as it depicts the Toronto Police repeatedly attempting to actually solve crimes and…
Law and Order: Toronto to follow exciting story of police ignoring gay community about serial killer
Toronto, ON – Producers of the exciting Law and Order series centering around crimes related to Toronto finally revealed what crime the pilot episode will look at. “We’re very excited to ha…
Canadian wins gold at World Police and Fire Games for 50 metre evidence plant
WINNIPEG, MB – Last weekend the World Police and Fire Games saw Officer Michael Dooley of Vancouver set a new record for the 50-meter Evidence Plant event. “I’d never seen anything like it.…
Police claim bigger budget would allow them to do a much better job at hiding their mistakes
Your City, Your Country – The local police have requested a bigger budget next year in order to help cover up the mistakes they are making. “The current budget simply doesn’t make it possib…
TTC increases security on streetcars to ensure stabbers paid fare
TORONTO – After a recent rash of stabbings on public transit, TTC officials and Mayor John Tory announced today there would be an increased security presence on all vehicles to prevent any …
John Tory proposes increasing Toronto Police budget to keep Torontonians safe from effective social programs
TORONTO — At a news conference today, Mayor John Tory proposed increasing the Toronto Police Service’s budget by 48.3 million dollars in order to ensure that the people of his city would be…
Convoy Inquiry reveals Ottawa Police’s controversial “good cop, seditionist cop” strategy
OTTAWA – The Emergencies Act inquiry has revealed that Ottawa police officers leaked information to the so-called Freedom Convoy as part of their ingenious strategy to combat the protestors. “Fir…