CALGARY – Just days after voting in a new mandate against single-use items, Calgary’s City Council has voted to scrap the entire bylaw immediately after the first time it was used. On Tuesd…
Woman and Dog from “Alberta is Calling” ad airlifted from frozen cliff
WATERTON, AB – Hours after trekking up popular hiking location “Bear’s Hump” to film an advertisement for the “Alberta is Calling” relocation campaign, 28-year-old former Ontario resident Natalie…
Danielle Smith unveils Sovereignty Act Precogs able to tell when federal laws are unconstitutional before they pass
EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Danielle Smith responded to criticism over her use of the Sovereignty Act to try to disqualify federal clean energy regulations that aren’t in place yet by …
Right-wing, authoritarian broadcaster known for polarizing comments to meet with Tucker Carlson
CALGARY – Criticism is brewing over the baffling choice to invite a right-wing demagogue and prominent anti-vaxxer to meet with Tucker Carlson. “I’m all for free speech,” said Alberta nativ…
Alberta halts approval for all clean energy projects until they can be made dirtier
EDMONTON – Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has announced a moratorium on all pending renewable energy projects in Alberta until these projects can prove they will be just as detrimental to t…
Danielle Smith decries Big Tech censorship after she forgets password for Swiss Chalet website
CALGARY – After claiming that Big Tech censored her facebook account with little evidence Alberta Premier Danielle Smith is now claiming that they have gone a step further and cut off her a…
Alberta man acting real cocky about all the wildfire smoke he’s breathed in over the years
CALGARY – Local man Carl Mangan has spent much of the week posting on all social media available to him how Ontarians and Quebecers worried about breathing in the harmful pollutants in the …
Rest of country relieved they can still look down on Alberta
OTTAWA – In the wake of Danielle Smith’s re-election as Alberta Premier, the other Provinces and Territories breathed a sigh of relief that, if nothing else, they can continue to shit…
Election Day: Alberta decides between a traditional conservative government and whatever the hell the UCP is
EDMONTON – The polls are open as Alberta voters consider whether to elect a right-wing party devoted to low taxes and substantial governmental support for the fossil fuel industry (the NDP)…
Quiz: Who should you vote for in the Alberta Provincial Election
It’s election day in Alberta! And if you are a resident of the Wildrose Province you may be wondering: who should I cast my ballot for? Well take this fun quiz and then you will be in a bin…