TORONTO — Canada’s system of production and consumption of goods and services was put on the defensive at the Maclean’s National Leaders Debate when Prime Minister Stephen Harper accused it of misleading Canadians.
“The economy keeps changing its mind”,” Harper said confronting his invisible opponent. “First, the economy said that the price of oil was $100 a barrel in 2014 and now it’s suddenly $45 a barrel. Then, when GDP is expected to grow, it shrinks. The economy should stop playing politics with the Canadian people and admit that it is hiding the truth that everything is fine.”
”The economy’s blatantly untrue facts are clearly designed to undermine Canadian faith in the economy, which thanks to the Conservative government has never been stronger,” added the Prime Minister.
During commercials a new Conservative ad campaign was featured asserting the Canadian economy was “just not ready” to be the economy for a major G7 country. The ad also ridiculed the Canadian currency for its “nice exchange rate” and only referred to it as the ‘Loonie’ rather than its full name.
The economy made no response during Harper’s three minute barrage of accusations. Harper went on to confidently assert that the budget was balanced, despite the economy’s stance that there was still a projected deficit.
More to come…