Samsung, Living Room – Deborah and Curtis expressed their excitement over the fact that the new TV remote comes with buttons that take them directly to their favourite streaming services.
“I love FunDunder,” explained Deborah. “Where else can I see 6 of the 12 total episodes of Celebrity bus drivers? And I am always telling everyone at my office about the content you can find on YahooFlix, like the first half of The Black Cauldron and Everybody Loves Raymond.”
Television providers worldwide have been celebrated recently for the revolutionary idea of adding popular and never-failing streaming sites to remotes for conveniences’ sake, including favourites like TumbleFundle, BokBokGo, FingyMingyTingy, and Hulu.
“I’m a little annoyed that Netflix is on my remote,” explained Tim Masterson, one critic of the new concept. “But at the very least the other buttons are for streamers I actually enjoy, like Girl4Real, GramPam, JubHub, Qooboo, Peepee, and Discovery+.”
Samsung president KS Choi is reportedly thrilled that the new feature has been widely praised, promising that as long as new popular streaming sites continue to pop-up, they will make sure to add them to ever-growing remote controls, including completely new buttons for GibBibBo, JunkaThunka, Grueleo, and RokuTV.