Canadian wins gold at World Police and Fire Games for 50 metre evidence plant - The Beaverton

Canadian wins gold at World Police and Fire Games for 50 metre evidence plant

, MB – Last weekend the World and Fire Games saw Officer Michael Dooley of set a new record for the 50-meter Plant event.

“I’d never seen anything like it. He took off like a bullet that he did not file a report for firing after,” commentator Scott McLean recounts. “The minute the whistle was blown, he was off from the starting line, made it all the way to the wooden suspect in the middle of the track, planted the dime bag on it, and made the arrest in only 4 in a half minutes.”

“It was the fastest frame job I’ve seen at these games since Willard Davies’s historic 2011 win by blowing a small handful of cocaine in the perp’s face.”

Dooley was not the only Canadian officer to win big at the games. Various police officers from around the country distinguished themselves in many events of the games, including the Synchronized Men’s Evidence Tampering, Singles Rioter Beating, and the ’s Biathlon (which in the WPFG consists of running over hurdles and collecting bribes).

When interviewed about his big win, Dooley only said that he was glad he lost his track scholarship and was forced to fall back on a career in policing.

While the presence of the game in Winnipeg has stirred up controversy with those disappointed in police investigations ongoing in the city, the WPFG committee is certain it can avoid such negative press with next year’s games being held in Birmingham, Alabama.

Though no Canadian participants particularly distinguished themselves in the firefighter division, a team from the Edmonton Fire Department just missed placing on the podium in the Mixed Firepole Relay.

The World Police and Fire games can be viewed on , ESPN, and the phone-recorded videos of most of the spectators present