Best Breakout Actors of 2020 and who their famous dads are! - The Beaverton

Best Breakout Actors of 2020 and who their famous dads are!

, CA – is notoriously difficult to break into, but this year’s up-and-comers used hard work to beat the odds!

These rising stars have the charisma, drive, and genetic facial symmetry needed to make anyone a star. In celebration of fresh talent and the meritocracy Hollywood objectively is, we’re sharing our top 5 breakout actors of 2020 – who coincidentally have really famous dads!

Lily Collins

Star of 2020’s hate-watch hit , Lilly dazzled as the titular Emily – a character with bewildering career success despite the many more qualified candidates who could really use the money. Her dad may be rocker Phil Collins, but he wasn’t the Genesis of her career!


Maude insisted on auditioning for her role in The King of Staten Island, even though producers made it clear she didn’t need to and they wouldn’t be seeing any other actors. When asked if he used his industry clout to help Maude’s career, dad Judd Apatow responded, “No! I used my clout to get myself that stand-up special in 2017.”

John David Washington

Washington had a huge year, starring in 2020’s biggest and only theatrical release, . Despite his famous dad, John insists he had a normal childhood: “I did chores, I played outside, I had Spike Lee at my 9th birthday party – just like most .” When overwhelmed by dad, actor/director/producer Denzel Washington, John always seeks normalcy with his mother, actor/singer/pianist Pauletta Washington.

Hailey Baldwin
Not even an actor, Hailey has racked up more on-screen credits than people who are actually trying. When asked if she credits her stardom to her father (Viva Rock Vegas’s Stephen Baldwin), Hailey’s spokesperson would only comment, “You know she’s married to Justin Bieber, right?”

This unborn child
This fetus of Emma Roberts is already generating Oscar buzz – its 18-week ultrasound was featured in A Minnesota Man! Supported by mom Emma Roberts and great-aunt Julia Roberts, Roberts would have to be a real Eric Roberts to ruin its chances of success.