Caroline In The City cast reunites for pandemic episode for some reason - The Beaverton

Caroline In The City cast reunites for pandemic episode for some reason

— As people across the world continue to self-quarantine during the crisis, the cast of mid-90s NBC sitcom Caroline In The City will reunite for a one-time -themed episode, though absolutely no one has any idea why.

“When (series creator) Fred (Barron) called me and suggested we reunite the cast for this charity special, I said ‘I suppose that’s a thing that could exist’,” explained Lea Thompson, from her home in Beverly Hills. Thompson played the titular cartoonist Caroline Duffy on a series that seriously ran for 4 seasons despite most people these days only being vaguely certain that it was about a “lady in a city” or possibly “a girl who was also a cartoon character”.

“Frankly not a single had mentioned the show to me in at least the past decade, positively or otherwise,” Thompson added. “Still, I suppose it’s theoretically possible that a reunion could bring some kind of hope to some people somewhere during these trying times.”

“At the very least, it probably wouldn’t bring them less hope,” shrugged Thompson, as she read the show’s wikipedia entry to refresh her memory on the general premise and gist of the characters.

Following the success of last month’s Parks & Recreation pandemic episode, as well as recently announced reunions for hits Community and Happy Endings, the cast of Caroline In The City was “admittedly confused” as to why anyone would want to revisit their show.

“I mean, we were considered ‘Must See ’ back in the 90s,” explained series regular Malcolm Gets “though, in fairness, we were programmed right after the infinitely-more popular Friends and Seinfeld. Still, it could very well be interesting to see what my character is doing in the year 2020, and how he is reacting to the pandemic.”

“Or not. Still, nothing is exactly stopping us, per se,” Gets concluded.

The special is expected to pick up 21 years after the series left the air, answering such questions as whether Caroline ran out on her wedding to her named fiancé Randy or possibly Del, whether kooky delivery boy Charlie (Andy Lauer) found success after moving to Europe probably, and whether any or all of the characters have contracted the -19 virus.

“I mean, that girl who was my character’s best friend was pretty flirtatious, so maybe she caught it,” added Thompson after she had discovered that Caroline in the City does not yet have a wikipedia entry. “Annie, I want to say her name was. Or Andy? It definitely started with an A.”

At press time, NBC announced another pandemic reunion special for NBC hit Wings, which will be set in the early 2000’s and focus on how the fictional Nantucket airport was used as a staging ground for 9-11.