LONDON – The EU has granted the UK’s request to push the deadline for Brexit from its previous date of March 29 to April 12, the birthday of American actor Claire Danes.
“This added time will give us the space we need to move forward as a country,” Prime Minister Theresa May said in a short statement about the deadline extension. “I’m confident the best birthday gift the star of Romeo + Juliet will receive this year is a completed Brexit deal.”
The UK was originally slated to leave the EU on March 29, Lucy Lawless’ birthday, a date chosen by the victorious Leave side to dispel the accusation that their campaign relied heavily on Xenaphobia. Once it was clear Britain would not be ready to leave by the end of March, May asked that the deadline be moved to June 30, Lizzy Caplan’s birthday, but the EU was only willing to grant an extension of two weeks.
“As much as we all love Mean Girls, and I personally am a huge fan of Party Down, pushing the date to Ms. Caplan’s birthday was simply too long a delay,” said European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. “I don’t much care for Homeland — it’s floundered story-wise since the end of season one — but Ms. Danes’ birthday was a compromise we all could live with.”
While polls show the British public is still divided on support for Brexit, most of them agree it’s so weird that little Angela Chase is turning 40.