Unrealistic casino commercial features people having fun - The Beaverton

Unrealistic casino commercial features people having fun

, ON – The regulatory organization Advertising Standards has determined that a recent for the Royal Niagara is misleading due to the fact that it depicts casino patrons enjoying themselves.

“It is simply irresponsible to depict any casino as a place where people are generally young and/or happy,” explained Michelle D’Esterre, the head of the nonprofit advertising industry body. “Not even one of the individuals portrayed in the commercial had a portable oxygen tank with them.”

The commercial in question is cited for several unrealistic depictions that could lead the viewing public to believe that it is possible to spend time in a casino without feeling overwhelmed by the dark, sad, obsessive desperation that haunts people at the lowest moments of their lives. Among the impossible scenarios seen in the commercial were casino patrons cheering one another on, smiling, responsibly cashing out after a big win, and being completely free of suicidal thoughts.

“This regulatory judgement is unfair and we will appeal,” said Royal Niagara Casino CEO Geoffrey Tucker in a press conference today. “There are in fact many ways in which people regularly have in our casino. You can see live concert performances by musical sensations like Right Said Fred or Coolio. Also everything in our washrooms is motion activated and I happen to think that’s kinda fun.”

Advertising Standards Canada has encouraged the Royal Niagara Casino to re-shoot their commercial in order to include more shots of people’s eyes glazing over, at least one person forgetting what the sun is, several panicked to arrange a third mortgage, and footage of the casino’s All-You-Can-Tolerate buffet.

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