NDP members devastated by Jagmeet Singh’s by-election win - The Beaverton

NDP members devastated by Jagmeet Singh’s by-election win

Burnaby, BC – As results came in from the Burnaby by-, members of the federal were disheartened to learn that they would be stuck with as their leader for the 2019 election.

“We were out there everyday working hard to sabotage his campaign,” said one disappointed NDP insider who worked on Singh’s campaign. “We had [former NDP Leader] Thomas Mulcair accuse him of international war crimes on national , handed out Jehovah Witness material instead of campaign flyers, and spread a rumour that he wants to build nuclear weapons to blast out of the Strait of Georgia and force vegans to eat their -active carcasses.’”

“No matter how hard we tried to backstab him to save our chances in , nothing seemed to connect,” said a wearing ‘Elect Jagmeet Singh’ t-shirt. “I even tried to kick him down the stairs forgetting he has an excellent balance thanks to his jiu jitsu training.”

Dozens of despondent supporters flanked the newly elected NDP leader during his electoral victory speech as he promised more and a progressive alternative to .

“We signed up a whole bunch of people to vote against Singh and drove them to the polls,” said one dumbfounded partisan. “Now we’re doomed to be a weak third party in Parliament, instead of a moderately strong third party like we’ve been dreaming about.”