VANCOUVER – Hoping a joke about his grandmother’s twenty year old couch covered in plastic will resonate with his 237 Instagram followers, Kyle Anderson, 24, recently posted about it from his thickly protected iPhone.
“People of her generation are weird, it’s like they don’t even care about user expedia,” he commented, not realizing his autocorrect had changed ‘experience’ to ‘expedia.’
Kyle, who enjoys making fun of the fact that his grandmother (Lillian Anderson, 78) doesn’t know how to program her microwave, is still rebuilding his Instagram account after deleting it in shame because he accidentally sent a photo of his genitals to everyone he knows.
“I love her but she is so adorably out of date. She still listens to the radio. The radio! Who listens to the radio? By the way, have you checked out my podcast?” Anderson said in a follow up post.
“Also, and I would never say this to her, but OMG, the perfume! What is it with old ladies and perfume? It’s lucky I vape because I couldn’t smoke here! No oxygen!” Anderson wrote, exhaling a cloud of cotton candy scented mist.
When asked for a comment about why she covers her couch, Lillian muttered “spillers” while looking pointedly at her grandson, then asked him how his new waterproof case is working out and if he’s managed to avoid dropping this phone in the toilet again.