ST JOHN’S – An autopsy of Patrick Murphy has confirmed that the local man died after a long night of binge drinking with his friends on George Street.
“Every drink in the place was full the night Pat Murphy died,” said coroner Alice Whelspeckle who lead the inquest who was affectionately known to his friends as ‘Patty.’ “His blood alcohol levels was six times what is considered the legal limit to drive. Binge drinking is a serious problem even if every man is feeling gay, and O’Leary has brought his bagpipes to play.”
Mrs. Murphy, the widow of Pat, said her husband hung around with the wrong crowd where he was regularly peer pressured into excessive drinking and clock tampering.
Paddy was described as a loving, but impulsive person who was a regular patron of Sundance Saloon.
Some of the boys who ain’t been sober yet have been charged for indignity to a dead human body and theft under $5,000 for stealing a whiskey bottle.