Progressive boyfriend is pro-choice, as long as that choice is abortion - The Beaverton

Progressive boyfriend is pro-choice, as long as that choice is abortion

OWEN SOUND, ON – Local activist Noah Baker spoke out, showing his progressive attitudes towards ’s reproductive rights, saying he supports his girlfriend Sarah Chen’s right to choose, so long as she chooses abortion.

After a recent scare, Baker insisted he and his girlfriend have a talk to make sure “they’re on the same page” regarding an accidental pregnancy. Chen and Baker both arrived at an agreement that Baker, unquestionably, should not be a father.

Baker is a self-proclaimed pro-choice advocate. “I respect pregnant women but I just don’t know if I would ever want to date a pregnant woman,” he says.

When told that “pro-choice” means a woman can also choose to carry out a pregnancy, Baker responded: “What? Did Sarah say something to you?”

“Condom usage is really important,” lectured Baker. “They prevent the spread of STIs and pregnancy but they’re just not for me.”

“I don’t know why he’s pushing so hard for it,” Chen adds. “I’m not even pregnant. But whenever I try to tell him that, he shushes me and says ‘That’s the spirit.’”

Sources say the only thing Chen will terminate at this stage is her relationship with Baker.