KINGSTON, ON – After prosecutors at her trial repeatedly referred to her as ‘murderess,’ Kaitlyn Hayworth, 27, Tuesday abruptly confessed, “I’m a murderer! Murderer! Get it right!” mid-trial and was summarily convicted of second degree murder.
This conviction came as a surprise to those close to Hayworth, who described her as ‘sweet’, ‘quiet’ and ‘incredibly good at repressing her feminist rage.’
“This was part of our strategy,” said crown prosecutor, Bill Chaplin. “We figured, given her degree in women’s studies, she’d probably become pretty emotional about being called the wrong name.”
Hayworth, who worked as a flight attendant, was charged after a fatal dispute with customer and noted long-time bachelor, Eddie Hunt, 41, who was murdered mid-flight after refusing to refer to Hayworth as anything but a ‘stewardess.’
Lauren Bell, Hayworth’s defence lawyer, was upset with Chaplin’s tactics. “Just because murder is an overwhelmingly male dominated activity, doesn’t mean women can’t do it just as well or better. Calling women ‘murderesses’ is degrading and makes it more difficult for all women to be given the respect they deserve.”
“I’m conflicted. As her lawyer, I’m devastated at this outcome. As a woman, I’m happy she stood up for herself,” Bell added.
When asked for comment on the verdict, Hayworth said, “I’m just grateful I’m being sent to a female prison. It’ll be a nice change of pace to have my rights violated for my socio-economic status, rather than my gender.”