Peter Kent calls for moment of silence to commemorate thousands of Canadians killed by marijuana overdoses - The Beaverton

Peter Kent calls for moment of silence to commemorate thousands of Canadians killed by marijuana overdoses

OTTAWA – Conservative MP called for the House of Commons to offer a moment of silence for the thousands of Canadians who die in marijuana overdoses each year.

The Thornhill MP who recently claimed that possessing home-grown is equivalent to “putting on a shelf within reach of ” called for the federal government to make a Day of Remembrance every April 20th at 4:20 PM.

“Marijuana cigarettes are responsible for at least 20,000 overdose deaths each year,” Kent explained to the media. “Let’s not forget those addicts who individually smoked 1,500 pounds of marijuana in 12 minutes, and they all died.”

Kent cited a previously unknown example involving “dozens of addicts in downtown ” who consumed over 40,000 pot brownies before succumbing to “reefer madness”, which was never reported on because of the pro-pot/fentanyl media.

The 75-year-old appeared adamant that, if made legal, marijuana will kill all of ’s blue-eyed, rosy-cheeked , except for the ones you hate.

While and scientists have yet to confirm Kent’s claim, there is evidence that is a gateway issue to really dumb arguments made by Conservative MPs.

With files from Luke Gordon Field