Inspiring! This rat king slogged through 500 meters of plumbing to crawl out of your toilet and eat your decorative soaps - The Beaverton

Inspiring! This rat king slogged through 500 meters of plumbing to crawl out of your toilet and eat your decorative soaps

We’ve all had days when everything seems to go against you: , bills, your crazy coworkers.

And the screeching knot of conjoined scrabbling around your bathtub sure knows that feel.

But with teamwork and true grit they overcame the odds to live their best life, devouring the cockatoo-shaped soaps your aunt gave you for housewarming!

You go, rats!

Their odyssey began 500 long meters away, in the sewer line running beneath your house. Our plucky band of adventurers was hungry, rabid and tangled together in a fermenting mass of grease and hair. If you’ve ever tried corralling your squad for after-bar late-night eats, you know exactly how tough was to get all these varmints on the same page!

But somehow their fevered rodent brains all dreamed the same dream, to sink their fangs into a chunk of hibiscus-scented essential oils sculpted to look like tropical birds. Once that idea took hold, the only thing stopping them was the maze of narrow pipes between your gleaming commode and their subterranean hellmouth.

But as you discovered shortly after rolling out of bed this morning, it didn’t actually stop them at all. Nope, one by one this feces-caked chain gang squirmed into the plumbing, then clawed, bit and scratched all the way to freedom, up through that pristine porcelain basin you’ve sat on every day for seven years.

1 – 0!

So ask yourself, is there any adversity in your life more real than what these mangy marauders just triumphed over? If they can hold their dreams in their grimy little paws, what’s stopping you? With a goal and a never say die attitude, the next yellowed fangs gnawing at Aunt Myrtle’s decorative soaps could be yours!
