By Harold Bilfat
In today’s world, self-actualization is valued above all else. Political correctness tells us everyone is special, and we can be whoever we want to be. Yet, on one subject, political correctness run amok has gotten in the way of a crucial aspect of who I am: sex robot designers refusing to make one that looks exactly like my mother, Gladys Bilfat.
Ordering a sex robot that looks exactly like my mother has been a lifelong goal of mine, one for which I have been saving up for over a decade. Knowing that opportunities like this are not handed to me, I took responsibility for my own dream, taking on extra shifts and even getting a second job as a server to pay for it. When the jar under my bed where I squirreled away my tips was full of cash, I started a bank account specifically for savings earmarked for a sex robot that resembles the woman who gave birth to me as much as technologically possible.
But this pursuit has not only been challenging financially—I have devoted countless hours of painstaking research and planning to reaching my goal. When I first began to plan my purchase in the late 1990’s, I filled three bankers boxes with photographs, sketches, and medical charts of my mother’s, knowing that attention to detail and careful design were crucial to success. When I purchased my first personal computer, the documents were scanned onto an external hard drive, and they are now backed up in a secure dropbox folder.
Why put so much effort in, you ask? I can only answer that in this life, we must make our own destinies. Yet despite all my hard work, the forces of political correctness—as manifested by the QA teams at various sex robot manufacturers to whom I have reached out–refuse to let me make my own decisions, specifically the decision to purchase a sex doll that is an exact reproduction of a beautiful woman who just happens to be my mother.
I would like to see what these people would have to say if I asked for a sex doll of a different race, or of (gasp!) a gay sex doll. Would their concerns about whether or not this “was a good idea” or “something we want associated with our brand” apply then?
In conclusion, I will just leave you with this: the stifling of freedom in the name of political correctness cannot keep you from being who you are and doing what you want to do. Now if you will excuse me, I’m about to spend some time with my hard drive.