By: Randi Bateman, Reporter
I really need your help! I’m a real journalist, but I’m drawn into into the Prime Minister’s PR stunts, take dozens of photos, and report on it without asking a serious question about a relevant topic that concerns the country.
Sure, I’ve spent five years of education in journalism and eleven more working for three major news outlets, and know how to get to the bottom of every story. Yet, every time I’m sent to report on Trudeau, I end up trapped at some community festival or local corn-roast where I just end up reporting on the images I take of him balancing babies on one hand or kissing brides.
Yes, there’s lots going on in the federal government from the arms deal with Saudi Arabia to the NAFTA re-negotiations, but, you know, I just get so choked up and start babbling on about what whether Sophie and the kids are going to make it for that ideal family photo.
And really this isn’t my fault. I’m held captive by these impressive pictures of him wearing a wetsuit, or canoeing down a river void of any context. Hell, even this article is supposed to be an editorial with my face on it, but instead I put his!
I tried to break free of his magical aura by asking him a pointed question on why he appointed a friend of the Liberal Party as a diplomat for twice the amount of pay, but then I just ended up taking a picture of him serving ice cream to an adoring crowd without saying anything.
Well, if you have any advice on how to do my job, I’m open to hearing about it. Also, if you have any follow-up images of Trudeau hand-gliding or boxing at a fundraiser, I’d love to get my hands on them.