REPORT: Nation still using Dave’s Netflix account - The Beaverton

REPORT: Nation still using Dave’s Netflix account

MISSISSAUGA – An investigation by the Data Engineering and Analytics team has found that each of the approximately 36.5 million Canadians is currently logged in to Dave’s Netflix account.

“We knew something was wrong when the ratings came back for House of Cards, and it was just Dave,” said Netflix’s Chief Communications Officer Jonathan Friedland. “Now we’ve confirmed that every person in has been given Dave’s username and , either by Dave directly, or by a friend of a his, or by a friend of a friend, and so on.”

“This is not how our service was intended to be used.”

The report speculates that Dave first shared his Netflix information with Rob and Jessica, at which point Emily, Paul, Mike and Sarah got a hold of it, and that it went “off the rails” soon after that.

Sources close to Dave say that he thought the number of people who knew his password was “definitely max five,” but that he did become suspicious when he started getting “. . .  unusual suggestions.”

“[Dave] asked me if any of our friends watch New Wave featuring masquerade orgies, because he kept getting recommendations for them,” said Emily. “That turned out to be Mike, but at the time we thought someone else gained access to his account.”

In response to the finding, Netflix has imposed a stricter upper limit on simultaneous logins, required Dave to change his account, and added a line to its terms of service cautioning users never to give their passwords to Rob.