Commitment-phobic boyfriend manages to binge watch all 12 seasons of ‘Bones’ - The Beaverton

Commitment-phobic boyfriend manages to binge watch all 12 seasons of ‘Bones’

EDMONTON – Chad Sandford stunned his on-again, off-again girlfriend of 5 years, Karen McClinton, when he managed to all 12 seasons of the TV show .

McClinton was initially suspicious when her boyfriend purchased the bulky DVD box sets, as she had recently been told that Sandford was “too busy focusing on his band” to attend her reunion. Her suspicions were raised upon discovering he was actively made arrangements to watch 246 episodes of a network crime dramedy.

Most observers doubted the 36-year-old Sandford was serious enough to complete the show. Many agreed that 12 seasons seemed to be an insurmountable for a man who regularly waffled on his , and texted his ex “sup” at 1 am.

“No one thought I could do it,” said Sandford, who recently declined a weekend getaway with McClinton to Niagara in favour of making it to the Dr. Brennan birthing episode. Sandford admitted that although he wasn’t quite ready to take that step with McClinton, citing the holiday was “too soon”, he found he was ready to watch 176 hours of Bones.

Defying all odds, Sandford managed to complete the over-a-decade-running program, reportedly even viewing the episodes where the “will they/wont they” vibe felt contrived. “People were like, really? Bones? But it’s actually a really awesome show”, said Chad, “Did you know it got nominated for an Emmy in art direction? And my dad likes Bones so I knew I had to give it a chance”.

Even after recently forgetting to pick her up at the airport, McClinton seemed impressed with Sandford’s growth – hopeful that his commitment to Bones would not only transfer to his new determination to finish the 1999 TV series Angel, but to her as well. “We’ll see. I might hear wedding bells! And I’m not talking about the wedding from Bones”, clarified McClinton.

When reached for comment on the status of their relationship Chad Sandford replied via text, “New phone. Who dis?”