We all love dogs! But sometimes they will make the woeful mistake of locking the human beings that care for them inside of cars on hot, sunny days. It doesn’t happen too often, but when it does, those dogs are left without a home. Sad! Here are 3 super cute dogs that need a new place to live because they all let their previous owners perish inside overheated vehicles.
1. Penny
Penny is a spry 9 year old terrier mix who loves to fetch tennis balls and take long walks through the park. Unfortunately, last month, her previous owner, Joyce, was left unattended inside their black Cadillac Escalade. Normally Penny leaves the air conditioning on so Joyce, a marketing manager, can look at her phone in comfort while Penny chases squirrels outside. But on this occasion, Penny lost track of time, and within 30 minutes, the temperature exceeded human tolerances, and Joyce was lost forever. Heartbreaking! Penny deeply regrets what she did to her beloved Joyce, and if you adopt her, she will never to make the same mistake with you. Will you give Penny a new home?
2. Winston
Winston is an obedient but very friendly 5-year-old German Shepherd, who works as a police dog! He’s done it all, from sniffing out drugs on cargo transports to tracking lost children. Sadly, three weeks ago Winston’s partner of 4-years, Sgt. Cameron Ramirez was left sitting in the cruiser while Winston surveyed a house for a future stakeout. Normally, people in that situation might attempt to call the police for help, but Sgt. Ramirez soon realized he was already the police and therefore had no one to turn to. Because of Winston’s grave mistake, the city lost one of their finest officers, and has been relegated to desk duty indefinitely. Will you be Winston’s new partner?
3. George
George is lovable Boston Terrier who had become a bit of a local celebrity as a mascot for an area High School’s soccer team. He’s bright, energetic, and, usually, great with children. Usually! That is, until George made the horrible error in judgement to lock the entire soccer team inside the team bus on the hottest day of the year last spring, right after they had just swept the semi-finals in the school district’s conference playoffs. 20 promising young athletes, many of whom had been accepted on scholarships to highly respected colleges, were lost that day. This doesn’t even include Gus the driver, who was three weeks from retirement and Mrs. Alexander, the team’s coach, who played on the U.S. Olympic team. Authorities say the doomed passengers roasted, quickly exhausting their supply of Gatorade and oranges slices, and finally succumbing to the extreme temperatures within the hour George had abandoned them because there was another dog outside whose butt he wanted to smell. With the painful memories of the team haunting him and the constant threat from bereaved parents calling for him to be put down, George is hoping to move to a new city, with a new owner and make a fresh start. Will it be you?
The last thing any dog wants is to lose their best friend. So even if your dog just stepping out for a moment, remember to go with it. And if you’re a dog, and you’re planning on going out, it’s best to leave your human at home where their food, water and toys are.