VANCOUVER – As he took stock of his week on Saturday afternoon, local 26 year-old Kyle Allen realized that he had spent more time thinking about croissants than about the two people who conceived and raised him.
“Well, what do you know? I would’ve thought it would be the other way around,” said Allen, enjoying a late brunch. “I’ll have to apologize for that when I email them next month.”
While Allen is surprised by his thinking habits over the past seven days he also understands how it could have come about given his total lack of interest in his parents and minor interest in French pastry.
“Oh yeah, there was that pretty okay sale on butter croissants at the supermarket,” said Allen as he let his mother’s call go to voicemail. “If they had been chocolate I definitely would have bought some.”
Allen’s single reflection on his parents occurred as he walked through the greeting card section of his local drugstore, noticed some discounted Mother’s Day cards, and remembered that he could ask his parents for some help with that month’s rent.
At press time, Allen’s father hadn’t thought about any family members since he got that idea for a jacuzzi-gazebo combo.