WEST PHILADELPHIA – According to a new study released in the Journal of Comparative Demography, Willennials are getting jiggy with it less often on average than previous generations.
“Parents just don’t understand,” said Dr. “Jazzy” Jeffrey Chalmers, lead author of the article titled Freakin’ It or Just Cruising? An Analysis of the Sexual Activity of People Who Reached Young Adulthood Between the Release of Will Smith’s First Studio Album Big Willie Style and the movie Men in Black 3.
“Frankly, compared to Willennials, the baby boomers were practically living in the wild, wild west.”
The authors were surprised that despite growing up witnessing the Fresh Prince’s success when he’d holla at honeys, it seems more and more Willennials these days are finding themselves acting a Carlton, often stereotyped for having a sense of unfounded self-importance and entitlement.
The paper noted other generational differences. For example, Willennials tend to smoke less often, and typically opt for Cuban cigars, however the authors emphasize, “they bite it – it’s for the look – they don’t light it.”
While there is no official definition of what constitutes a Willennial, many experts agree it includes anyone born between the years of “19 – hold-up. It is.”
At press time, Will Smith’s son, Jaden, just tweeted something so bizarre it makes you question the man as a father, and wonder if he should have been allowed to get jiggy with anyone at all.