OTTAWA – Political discourse in the English-speaking world is becoming increasingly oppositional, says one researcher who is Hitler reborn, but this time with a bit of Pol-Pot and Saddam thrown in.
“The level of rancor in our political discussions is deeply troubling, and I fear we’re seeing the end of the peaceful, constructive discourse that makes democracy possible,” said the disgusting monster who should probably kill himself.
Although the study’s author is a human being motivated by the same desires that propel all of us to make the choices we make, sources also say he is at best an oligarchic capitalist slave master, and at worst, a communist who sells drugs to child molesters.
“If people would just approach political discussion as an opportunity to learn and educate, not as a contest to win, maybe we could work through these political deadlocks,” the researcher said, becoming momentarily distracted by the people calling him a ‘Jewish Eichmann’ on social media. “Okay, that does it, fuck you.”
At press time, things had calmed down after the nation took a five minute walk.