OTTAWA – Justin Trudeau admitted this morning that yesterday’s effort to finally get the House of Commons Fight Club started was a poor choice on his part.
“I just thought that at the end of a long day of debating bills, my colleagues and I would unwind with some carefully orchestrated violence,” said Trudeau at a press conference. “I realize now that I should have asked Mr. Brown and Ms. Brosseau if they wanted to join before I just got things started.”
“I am Jack’s deep feelings of regret,” he added.
The PMO elaborated that it was ‘disappointed’ in opposition parties for being so vocal in their criticism of Trudeau’s actions, given the first rule of Fight Club.
Opposition parties did not appear to be satisfied with the Prime Minister’s explanation.
“This was a disgusting, pathetic act by Mr Trudeau. Everyone knows you only engage if the other party is also a member of Project Mayhem,” said a furious Tom Mulcair.
One MP who did not seem to mind was Stephen Harper, a Tory backbencher from Calgary. After the ruckus he was seen running around the House floor, begging other members to punch him in the face before ultimately doing it himself.
Trudeau however continued to try to explain himself.
“I don’t even know why everyone is mad at me. As you all saw, it was clearly my friend Tyler who started the fight, not me.”