CALGARY – Right-wing pundit Ezra Levant says he has detailed evidence of a coordinated plot by Syrian refugees living across Canada. The RebelTV founder published dozens of tweets, written in Arabic, outlining a conspiracy by the newly resettled Muslims to unleash huge amounts food, shelter, and money out of their own pockets on unsuspecting families displaced by the fires in Fort McMurray.
“We always knew these people were coming here with an agenda,” explained Levant. “Now we finally know what it is: to take advantage of the kindness and generosity of hard working Canadians, and then, when we’re most vulnerable, reciprocate it tenfold.”
Levant added that it’s only a matter of time before refugees start recruiting their Canadian-born neighbors to collude with them.
“The Qur’an clearly states that ‘Nothing shall ensure the welfare of your religion except generosity and good disposition,’” warned the Rebel Media founder. “If this keeps up, pretty soon we’ll be living in a country that views Islam as an important part of our cultural mosaic, and Muslims as actual human beings instead of outlets for our anxiety caused by pervasive fear mongering from race baiting assholes.”